A woman wants to take her fox, chicken, and bag of corn across the river in her canoe. The canoe can hold only one thing in addition to the woman. If left alone, the fox would eat the chicken, or the chicken would eat the corn. How can the woman take everything across the river safely?
how is it that it will take four trips when she can't leave the fox with the chicken alone or the chicken with the corn alone?
3 answers
take the chicken across, return
take the corn across, return with the chicken.
take the fox across, return
take the chicken across, and stay.
take the corn across, return with the chicken.
take the fox across, return
take the chicken across, and stay.
She will take the chicken first because the fox doesn't eat corn...Secondly,she will take the corn but this time she will return with the chicken...Thirdly she will take the fox.....At last she will take the chicken...