1200 - 290 = 910
6% = 0.06
910/0.06 = 54.6
54.6, when rounded to the nearest whole number, is 55.
So, $55 is the amount of sales tax she needs to send to the state government. I hope this helps! :)
A woman owns a small, cash-only business in a state that requires her to charge 6% sales tax on each item she sells. At the beginning of the day, she has $290 in the cash register. At the end of the day, she has $1200 in the register. How much money should she send to the state government for the sales tax she collected? (Round to the nearest whole number.)
4 answers
I meant 910 x 0.06 = 54.6, not "910/0.06 = 54.6". Sorry for my error.
Brady -- do you think it's right to give answers to someone who can probably do them himself?
Why not just give hints and help -- but not give the entire answer?
Why not just give hints and help -- but not give the entire answer?
Sorry Ms. Sue....
I was just trying to help, and I wasn't going to do all of them..... :(
I was just trying to help, and I wasn't going to do all of them..... :(