Here in Texas, where men are men, and women smell like them, we allow women to think for themselves. If they are wrong, they are wrong. If they choose to go to Hell, they go. In any event, they have the right to choose, men don't decide for them, that includes husbands, judges, religious and government officials.
Now many areas of the world, Men have taken it on themselves to be Lord and Master of women. Then, the men end up complaining and are ungrateful for all the women contribute, their work, and their value.
I remember in Orwell's book, that some pigs are more equal than other animals. Such is life in such a State.
Good luck.
A wife has applied farsakh in the syariah court. Then later she moved out of the
home. The husband, a practicing Islamic worker disagrees with the wife’s action
and accused her wife of nusyuz. He said the wife is just being intolerant and
having negative attitudes. He quoted the hadis where it is described that women
are the majority in the hell ‘Because you complain too much and are ungrateful
to your husbands.’ The wife says she moves out as this is her right when she
files for Farsakh. Furthemore, it would be a big emotional stress and
psychological harm to live with someone she dislikes. She would now be able to
perform better and live a better life, she claims . Who is right and why?
2 answers
Try searching
for your answer, in the sections about marriage and divorce.
for your answer, in the sections about marriage and divorce.