A-When Magellan’s crew left Spain to sail around the world, it took nearly three years to return to spain. Although Magellan had died, and only a skeleton crew arrived back in Spain, they had the incorrect day on their calendars, they were a day behind, although accused of failing to record daily in the log , what was the correct explanation as to why they were a day behind?
The above problem demonstrates the need for an international dateline, look at a world map and suggest a good place for a dateline where a minimum of land is affected. ( for example an international dateline would not be appropriate in the middle of North America or Europe?
6-Now , describe the location of the actual dateline.
A- They crossed the International Date line. Even though the line did not exist, the fact that the earth is round and rotates once a day makes it necessary to add aday when going west, because you see the sun set one less time than people who stay in the same part of the Earth
B- The place where the International Date line is drawn in an area of widely separated islands. Check it out for yourself on a map.
i did check it but i could not get it ..