Here are the answers to your questions:
A) When does irony occur in a story?
Answer: When a situation created by the author conflicts with the expectations of the reader.
A) What role does irony play in a literary work?
Answer: It helps engage the reader by making them want to know how something turns out.
A) Select the correct answer(s) from the list(s).
Answer: (Dramatic) irony occurs when the (Audience) of a work have some important information that one or more characters lack.
A) What is the difference between verbal irony and situational irony?
Answer: Verbal irony is when someone says the opposite of what they mean, while situational irony is when the expected outcome of an event defies normal expectations.
A) Which statement best analyzes how Hugo uses irony in this example?
Answer: Hugo uses situational irony by establishing a scene where there is a contrast between what the audience expects will happen and the reality of what will happen.