a) What do you understand by Simple Harmonic Motion?

b) A simple harmonic motions is characterized by the equation
x = (10 cm) sin (0.1t + ) where, x is in cm and t is in seconds Determine the
i. amplitude and angular frequency.
ii. linear frequency and period.
iii. phase angle in degrees.
iv. velocity of the particles at time t = 0 s.
v. acceleration of the particles at t = 1 s.

c) Two mechanical systems that can produce simple harmonic motions are Simple Pendulum and Mass-Spring Systems. Show that the angular frequency of the...
i. simple pendulum is given by w^2 = (g / L) where g is the acceleration due to
gravity and L is the length of the string of the pendulum.
ii. mass-spring system is given by w2 = (k / m) where k is the spring constant and m
is the mass attached to the spring