Vw = 2 * 2 * 2 = 8 M^3 = 8*10^6 cm^3. =
Vol. of the water.
Dw = 1g / cm^3 = 0.001kg / cm^3. = Density of water.
Mass = Vw * Dw.
Mass = 8*10^6cm^3 * 10^-3kg/cm^3 = 8*10^3kg = 8000 kg. = Mass of water.
Wt. = mg = 8000kg * 9.8N/kg = 78,400 N.
= Wt of water.
A water bed has a dimension of 2m × 2m × 2m. The floor of the bed will tolerate an additional load of no more than 600N. Find the weight of the bed and determine whether it should be purchased.
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