A uniform plank of length 5.1 m and weight 235 N rests horizontally on two supports, with 1.1 m of the plank hanging over the right support (see the drawing). To what distance x can a person who weighs 458 N walk on the overhanging part of the plank before it just begins to tip?

this is the Drawing:

0 (person)
^ ^ (d = 1.1 from lever to edge)

1 answer

Thank you for trying to explain the figure. I think I get the picture.

One can walk the plank until the force on the leftmost support is zero.

Set the moment about the rightmost pivot equal to zero and assume zero force at that location. You should be able to solve for the distance x where the person stands. Remember to include the moment due to the weight of the plank, acting at the center of mass.