A typical comic book page is made up of several panels that each represent an individual scene. These panels are strung together in sequential order and used to depict a story. Each panel has a small amount of text, usually dialogue written in speech bubbles.
The term “comic book” comes from the fact that historically these books were funny. They were collections of humorous newspaper comic strips put into a book. Eventually, comic books were published with their own independent stories. They came to include stories from all genres, not just funny ones.
When Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster introduced the character Superman in a comic book in 1938, they revolutionized the world of comics in the U.S. The comic book industry came upon its “Golden Age” and became incredibly popular for its stories of superheroes.
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How does the phrase “Golden Age” help readers understand the text?
It helps readers understand how long comic books have been around.
It shows readers what color comic books are made in.
It helps readers understand that the cost of the average comic book was much too expensive for most people to afford.
It shows readers that one of the most popular periods for comic books was when comics transitioned to superhero stories.
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