(a) Two microwave frequencies are authorized for use in microwave ovens: 900 and 2560 MHz. Calculate the wavelength of each.

1 cm (frequency = 900 MHz)
2 cm (frequency = 2560 MHz)
(b) Which frequency would produce smaller hot spots in foods due to interference effects?
3 MHz

5 answers

λ1=c/f1 =3•10^8/900•10^6 =0.33 m =33 cm.
λ2=c/f2 = 3•10^8/2560•10^6 =0.12 m =12 cm
(b) 2560 MHz
12 didn't work
oh its 11.7! got it
thank you!
λ = c/f. 
f = 900*106/s,  λ = (1/3) m
f = 2560*106/s,  λ = 11.7 cm.