a trapezuim has no sides parallel. Its area is given by the following expression

1/2(ah1 + bh2) Note: the 1 and 2 are small and almost under but beside the h

A. Evaluate the expression for a = 5 ft 4 in., b = 2 ft 8 in., h1 = 4 ft 4 in., h2 = 6ft 4 in

B. If a gymnast stands inside a continuous elastic band to form a trapeziumm what do you think is the approximate maximum area that he could form? The approximate minimum area?

1 answer

a. I would change the ft in to feet: For example 2'8" would be 2 8/12 'or 2.666 ft. Then do the multlply.

Wouldn't the maximum be when a,b, h1, h2 were equal? The minium when a and b were very small?