To calculate the time the train left Jonah's town, we need to work backwards from the arrival time in Richmond.
If the train arrived in Richmond at 5:36 AM and traveled for 3 hours and 26 minutes, it means it left Lancaster at 2:10 AM (5:36 AM - 3 hours 26 minutes).
Before that, the train traveled for 4 hours and 54 minutes from Jonah's town to Lancaster. Therefore, it left Jonah's town at 9:16 PM (2:10 AM - 4 hours 54 minutes).
So, the train left Jonah's town at 9:16 PM.
A train left Jonah's town and traveled for 4 hours and 54 minutes to Lancaster. Then it traveled 3 hours and 26 minutes and arrived in Richmond at 5:36 A.M. What time did the train leave Jonah's town?
1 answer