Let's assume that the trader bought x kg of the first nut, y kg of the second nut and z kg of the third nut.
Since the nuts are mixed in the ratio 3:5:4, we can write:
x:y:z = 3:5:4
We can then write x, y and z in terms of a common factor:
x = 3k
y = 5k
z = 4k
where k is the common factor.
The total cost of the nuts is:
1.00naira/kg * 3k + 0.84naira/kg * 5k + 0.60naira/kg * 4k = 3k + 4.2k + 2.4k = 9.6k naira
To make a profit of 25%, the trader must sell the mixed nuts for:
1.25 * 9.6k = 12k naira
The total weight of the mixed nuts is:
3k + 5k + 4k = 12k
Therefore, the selling price per kg is:
12k naira / 12k = 1 naira/kg
So, the trader sold the mixed nuts for 1 naira/kg.
A trader bought three kinds of nut at 1.00nairaper kg, 84k per kg and 60k perkg respectively.He mixed them in the ratio 3:5:4 respectively and sold the mixed nuts to make a profit of 25%.At what price perkg did he sell them?
1 answer