A test is conducted in 22 cities to see if giving away free transit system maps will increase the number of bus
riders. In a regression analysis, the dependent variable Y is the increase in bus riders (in thousands of persons) from the start of the test until its conclusion. The independent variables are X1 = the number (in thousands) of free maps distributed and a binary variable X2 = 1 if city has free downtown parking,0 otherwise. The estimated regression equation is . In city 3, the observed Y value is 7.3 and X1 = 140 and X2 = 0.
The residual for city 3 (in thousands) is:
A. 6.15
B. 1.15
C. 4.83
D. 1.57
1 answer
Something is missing here. You don't present the estimated equation, only one observation. Plz re-check your problem and then repost if you are still having trouble.