
Tell me about your day!
The assessment for this lesson is a portfolio. You will show us what a typical day is for members of your family. Remember, typical days
include: eating, attending live lessons, completing lessons, studying, talking, working and other.
Part 1
Choose 5 activities to write about.
Make sure you use the vocabulary associated with the unit.
You must use subject pronouns (yo, tu, usted, el, ella, ellos, ellas, ustedes, nosotros, nosotras)
You must conjugate the verbs in the present tense. (Yo hablo con mis padres durante la cena).
Each activity should have:
1 sentence describing the activity
1 sentence using an adjective about the activity
Yo hablo con mis padres durante la cena.
La cena es deliciosa.
(20 points)

1 answer

Today, I woke up early in the morning and prepared breakfast for my family.
Desayuno con mi familia.
El desayuno es delicioso.
After breakfast, I attend my live lessons for school.
Asisto a mis clases en vivo.
Las clases son interesantes.
After my lessons, I complete my homework assignments.
Completo mis tareas.
Las tareas son complicadas.
In the afternoon, I study for my upcoming exams.
Estudio para mis exámenes.
El estudio es importante.
In the evening, I talk and spend time with my siblings.
Hablo y paso tiempo con mis hermanos.
La conversación es divertida.
(20 points)