A tank holds equal amounts of 4 different gases (H2, He, O2, N2) at a pressure of 896 mm Hg. The tank contains 2.00 L. What is the individual pressure of each of these 4 gases?

2 answers

When you say equal amounts, is that the same number of moles or the same number of grams, or the same volume, or just what?
Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4.
If the mols are equal then the pressure of each is equal so 896/4 = ?? mm. Check my thinking.
Thank you for answering. The problem was given to me in the exact way I typed it. I do not know what my instructor meant by amounts. ( My class has had many issues with her, but I digress.) I think I was making the problem harder than it really was. So then the 2.00 L and types of gas are just extraneous information, I guess. OK, i will go with 224 mm/Hg.