A table shows the longest rivers in the world in miles.2341,2590,2718,2543,4160,2635,2734,3362,2744,2485,3395,2350,4000,3964,2600 thousands long.It has two questions.1. Choose an appropriate scale and interval size for a frequency table that will represent the data.Then make a freqency table. 2.Write a sentence or two to describe how the data are distributed among the intervals.Realy don't understand what they want me to do.
2 answers
1. The scale goes from 2,000-4,500. Each interval has 500 miles in it.
Length (mi) Tally Frequency
2,000-2,500 III 3
2,500-3,000 IIIIIII 7
3,000-3,500 II 2
3,500-4,000 II 2
4,000-4,500 I 1
Length (mi) Tally Frequency
2,000-2,500 III 3
2,500-3,000 IIIIIII 7
3,000-3,500 II 2
3,500-4,000 II 2
4,000-4,500 I 1