Here are the answers to the questions:
F (A synonym is a word that means the same as another word, not a part of speech.)
F (The way of speaking a word is called its pronunciation, not its origin.)
T (Guidewords are located at the top of a dictionary page to help you find words.)
B (An antonym for "help" is "abandon.")
T (Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their historical development.)
A (Guidewords for the word "serpent" may be "Serbia and service" as they begin with the same letters.)
B (Converse is an antonym of conversation.)
D (Taylor needs to look at "None of these" to find usage in a sentence; typically, the example sentence provides that information.)
T (A "noun" is indeed a part of speech.)
If you have any more questions or need further explanation, feel free to ask!