A - 65%
B - 31%
Unreported - 4%
25-34 age- 53% A
44% B
3% unreported
35-44 age- 45% A
50% B
5% unreported
45-54 age- 39% A
55% B
6% unreported
55 and older- 35% A
60% B
5% unreported
A survey reported 15,590 total respondents. They are in age groups. Table 4 reflects the percentage distribution or respondents and who voted from each age group candidate A or B.
The entries in the first column mean that 65% of respondents who were aged 18-24 at the time voted for candidate A and 31% chose B. This led to 4% of unreported response.
Table 4. Exit poll survey results
18-24 age- 65 vote
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