a. Suppose the following data was collected during a 35-mph crash test using a 50% male crash test dummy, which has a mass of about 78 kg. Complete the table:
● Calculate the average change in velocity ( ∆v ) and time (∆t ) for tests with and without seatbelts.
● Calculate the force of each impact on the driver.
● Calculate the average force on the driver with seatbelts and without.
Vehicle Driver Crash Test Delta-V Crash Force of Impact (N)
Number Seatbelt Delta-V ∆v Pulse Time m v Ft∆ = ∆
Buckler (m/s) ∆t (s)
1 N 11.4 0.117
2 N 16.0 0.101
3 N 14.9 0.094
4 N 16.4 0.104
5 N 17.0 0.101
AVERAGE: (sum/total )
1 Y 16.1 0.127
2 Y 14.4 0.125
3 Y 14.0 0.112
4 Y 15.2 0.105
5 Y 15.6 0.123
I'm completely lost can anyone help?
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