a summary of “My father writes to my mother” by assia djebar how does she describe the heat weather and enviorment of her village

1 answer

In "My Father Writes to My Mother" by Assia Djebar, the author vividly describes the heat weather and environment of her village. She portrays the scorching heat of the Algerian desert, where temperatures rise to unbearable levels. Djebar uses sensory details to evoke the intense heat, describing the "air in liquid waves" and the "piercing heat that pressed down from above, greedy for moisture." The environment is depicted as harsh and unforgiving, with only a few brave plants managing to thrive amidst the barren landscape. The author also describes the dusty, arid terrain, where sandstorms occasionally sweep through, engulfing everything in their path. Despite the oppressive heat, Djebar shows admiration for the resilience of the people living in this environment, who persist in their lives and continue to face the challenges posed by the weather and their surroundings.