A student who has limited English proficiency would mist likely be placed in a(n)

A. ESL I class
B. ESL II class
C. LEP Class
D. Sheltered-content class.

My answer
I am confused with B and C.
So please help me

4 answers

LEP means limited English proficient.

The answer could be A, B, or D, depending on how limited the student's command of English is.

You'll need to check your text for this one.
ESL I means those who areally not able to speak English with any fluency. They are called as NEP.

ESL II those described as limited English proficient or LEP, students.

Please help. I know A and D ate wrong
C. http://www.rock.k12.nc.us/cms/lib6/NC01000985/Centricity/Domain/1888/What%20beginning%20teachers%20need%20to%20know%20about%20LEP%20and%20ESL.pdf
Thank you so much for the notes.