A student was conducting a scientific experiment with a plant she cut out 31 inch circles from construction paper and attached each circle to a different leaf of the plant. Finally, she said the plant in front of a sunny window with good airflow and left it there. She made sure that the plant was given enough water during her experiment. After two days she removed one of the circles after four days Siri make another circle And at the end of the week she removed the last circle hear is her rresult day to fight March for the paper Cara delete it it’s a lighter green than the rest of the leap day for yellow circle or the construction paper was the 7 Almost White Circle by the paper, cover the leaf, using your knowledge of photosynthesis, which answer choice explains her results the best
1 answer
Therefore, the best explanation for the student's results is that the circles created shade, reducing the amount of light available for photosynthesis in the covered areas of the leaves.