A student took notes about the year without a summer from two sources. Read the sources.
Source A
1816 came to be known as the year without a summer. In 1815, Mount Tambora volcano erupted on the island of Sumbawa, now in modern-day Indonesia. The eruption resulted in the release of massive amounts of ash, rock, and sulfuric acid into the air. In turn, the temperatures around the world were lowered drastically in the year that followed. Due to the odd weather, North America saw summer frost, Italy saw red snow, and Ireland saw eight weeks of incessant rain.
Source B
In the year without summer, Earth was already experiencing the final decades of the Little Ice Age. This was due to a period of low solar activity from 1790 to 1830. During this time, colder temperatures averaged across Earth. Low solar activity combined with volcanic activity caused the unusual year.
Which sentence from the student’s notes correctly paraphrases, or restates, information from both sources?
A In modern-day Indonesia, a volcanic eruption occurred in 1815, which resulted in the following year being without a summer.In modern-day Indonesia, a volcanic eruption occurred in 1815, which resulted in the following year being without a summer.
B Because of the release of ash, rock, and sulfuric acid into the air, a volcanic eruption in Indonesia caused an unusual summer.Because of the release of ash, rock, and sulfuric acid into the air, a volcanic eruption in Indonesia caused an unusual summer.
C Due to the averaging of colder temperatures around the world, one year North America saw frost and Italy saw red snow.Due to the averaging of colder temperatures around the world, one year North America saw frost and Italy saw red snow.
D The eruption of Mount Tambora and low solar activity across Earth contributed to 1816 being an unusual year without a summer.
1 answer