A student noted the following information that will be included in a works cited page for a magazine.

Author: Raymond Maroni
Title of Article: "Overtime Win on the Ice”
Magazine Title: Sporting Times
Issue Number: LXIV
Date of Publication: November 1, 2001

What additional information is needed to cite this source in MLA format?

1 answer

To cite the article in MLA format, you will need to include the page range where the article appears in the magazine. The MLA citation format for articles typically follows this structure:

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine, vol. Volume Number, no. Issue Number, Year of Publication, pp. Page Range.

Adding the page range to your citation, it would look like this (assuming you had the page numbers, e.g., "pp. 15-17"):

Maroni, Raymond. "Overtime Win on the Ice." Sporting Times, vol. LXIV, no. n/a, November 1, 2001, pp. Page Range.

Without the specific page numbers, the citation is incomplete.