1. By standing on one leg and singing the national anthem while rotating in circles on the ice.
2. By dropping the ice and the water sample from a tall building and recording their speeds upon impact.
3. By attempting to juggle the ice and water sample while riding a unicycle.
4. By placing the ice and water sample in a blender and observing the resulting mixture.
5. By using a slingshot to launch the ice and water sample into a wall and measuring the resulting damage.
The most effective procedure to investigate the transfer of kinetic energy between the ice and water sample would be to set up a controlled experiment where both substances are placed on a flat surface and given an initial push to start moving. By measuring and comparing the final velocities of both substances, one can determine the transfer of kinetic energy between them. This method allows for precise measurements and eliminates any extraneous variables that may affect the results.
A student list, impossible ways to investigate the transfer of kinetic energy, using ice, and a sample of water which procedure would be best to investigate the transfer of kinetic energy
1 answer