A student initially at rest on a frictionless frozen pond throws a 1 kg hammer in one direction. After the throw the hammer moves off in one direction while the student moves off in the other direction. Which of the following correctly describes the above situation?

The answer is that the hammer will have the greater kinetic energy. Can anyone explain why?

1 answer

They will both have the same linear momentum magnitude but in opposite directions, since momentum is conserved

mhammer Vhammer = mstudent Vstudent
Vh = (ms/mh)Vs

KEhammer = (1/2)mh [(ms Vs)/mh]^2
= (1/2)( ms^2/mh)Vs^2

Ke student = (1/2) ms Vs^2

well ms^2/mh >> ms

so the hammer has the big Ke