A student generates H2(g) over water using the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid

Zn(s)+ 2HCl(aq)---> ZnCl2(aq)+ H2(g)

Mass of vial and zinc 15.5082
mass of vial 15.3972
mass of zinc 0.111
final burette reading 45.30mL
barometric pressure: Patm 100.6kPa
temperature of trapped gas 24.3C
vapour pressure of water at 24.3 C: PH2O 3.004kPa
diff in solution lvls inside and outside burette 162mm H2O

calculate the pressure exerted by H2 gas alone in kPa and the kelvin temperature of the H2 gas
I know it seems like the same question but it's actually another part can you help me with the formulas i need to use please?