string[] dDate = dob.Split('/');
string dDay = dDate[0];
string dMonth = dDate[1];
string dYear = dDate[2];
if (Convert.ToInt32(dDay) > 01)
if (Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 01 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 03 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 05 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 07 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 08 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 10 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 12)
RYear = Convert.ToInt32(dYear) + 60;
RMonth = Convert.ToInt32(dMonth);
RDay = 31;
else if (Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 04 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 06 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 09 || Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 11)
RYear = Convert.ToInt32(dYear) + 60;
RMonth = Convert.ToInt32(dMonth);
RDay = 30;
else if (Convert.ToInt32(dMonth) == 02)
if ((Convert.ToInt32(dYear) % 4) == 0)
if ((Convert.ToInt32(dYear) % 100) == 0)
if ((Convert.ToInt32(dYear) % 400) == 0)
RYear = Convert.ToInt32(dYear) + 60;
RMonth = Convert.ToInt32(dMonth);
RDay = 29;
if ((Convert.ToInt32(dYear) % 400) != 0)
RYear = Convert.ToInt32(dYear) + 60;
RMonth = Convert.ToInt32(dMonth);
RDay = 28;
if ((Convert.ToInt32(dYear) % 100) != 0)
RYear = Convert.ToInt32(dYear) + 60;
RMonth = Convert.ToInt32(dMonth);
RDay = 29;
if ((Convert.ToInt32(dYear) % 4) != 0)
RYear = Convert.ToInt32(dYear) + 60;
RMonth = Convert.ToInt32(dMonth);
RDay = 28;
//like wise we can do for month 01 but here retirement month will be minus 1 from curretnt month
a student designed a program to accept the age of an employee and then compute the employees retirement year and display the same in a statement on the screen required.
a) write out the pseudo-code for the program above
b) write the algorithm,
c) flowchart
d) write the program in c
2 answers
wow. Things would have been have been a lot more compact if you had used an array of month days:
modays[12] = [0,31,28,31,30,...]
and then just adjusted the 28 as needed for the leap year.
modays[12] = [0,31,28,31,30,...]
and then just adjusted the 28 as needed for the leap year.