C. 149 with axial flowers, 51 with terminal flowers
This is because when crossing a homozygous dominant plant (AA) with a heterozygous plant (Aa), the predicted ratio of offspring with axial flowers (AA, Aa) to offspring with terminal flowers (aa) is 3:1. Therefore, out of 200 offspring, approximately 150 would be expected to have axial flowers and 50 would be expected to have terminal flowers.
A student crosses two pea plants. One is homozygous dominant for axial flowers, and the other is heterozygous for axial flowers. If the student examines 200 offspring pea plants, which of the following is a reasonable result?
200 with axial flowers, 0 with terminal flowers
47 with axial flowers, 153 with terminal flowers
149 with axial flowers, 51 with terminal flowers
98 with axial flowers, 102 with terminal flowers
1 answer