The first statement reminds me of the little female Pekingese we had. She would race around the perimeter of the yard, barking at passersby. However, she never went close to them, and in fact, would retreat if they came close. I believe that she was barking to warn them, but as many humans, she didn't follow through on her threats.
What do you think?
A stray dog used to bark at the locals in the street. However each time whenever the person who is barked at, approached the dog, it would run away cowardly.
a.Why does the dog keeps on barking in a threatening manner whereas it is actually afraid of the locals?
b.Is it true in the saying "The dog that barks doesn’t bite" ? If it is true,why is it so?
c.Do stray dogs ever bite people or only trained “security” dogs bite?
2 answers
u r WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ms.Sue