a story about Baby chicks

1 answer

Once upon a time, in a small village, a farmer had a hen who had just hatched her baby chicks. The baby chicks were small, fluffy and cute. The hen was very careful with her chicks; she constantly watched over them so that they wouldn't stray too far from her.

One day, when the farmer was out working in the fields, a hawk flew over and saw the baby chicks. The hawk swooped down silently and tried to grab one of the chicks with its sharp talons. However, the hen heard the commotion and immediately jumped into action. She courageously attacked the hawk with her sharp beak, flapping her wings to confuse the bird. The hawk was caught off-guard and flew away, defeated.

The hen's bravery earned her the respect of the farmer, who decided to build a special fenced area for the hen and her chicks to keep them safe from predators. The baby chicks grew up into healthy hens and roosters who were the pride of the village. They provided eggs and meat to the villagers, and their happy clucking could be heard throughout the village.

The farmer was grateful to have witnessed the protective instincts of his hen and the resilience of her chicks. He even named the hen, Hero, as she had proved herself to be one. The farmer's appreciation and Hero's maternal care had created a special bond.

The moral of the story: Even the smallest and seemingly weakest individuals can possess great courage and strength. It's important to take care and protect the vulnerable, even if they are small baby chicks.