A spark plug fires before the gases in a cylinder are fully compressed. How will the engine be affected?

A. The engine will get better gas mileage as less fuel is burned during each cycle.
B. There will be fewer pollutants as the fuel has more time to burn.
C. The gases will do less work to the piston because the gases cannot expand as much.
D. The engine will not get hot because the ratio of work to heat will increase.

3 answers

I've been burned on question like this in the past and vowed to leave them unanswered. However, it appears to me that c is the way to go. I'm assuming when they say "less work" that is compared to the work available if the piston were to fully compress the gas before ignition. You might want to get a second opinion. Why don't you look on Google and read up on 4-stroke engines? Probably you can find it if you spend enough time. The Internet is an almost limitless supply of information although some of it is wrong here and there. The well known web sites like Wikipedia, however, can be trusted most of the time.
I believe that the answer is C.
The answer is C