A space probe discovers a planet inhabited by creatures who reproduce with the same hereditary patterns as those in humans. Three phenotypic characters are height (T = tall, t = dwarf), hearing appendages (A = antennae, a = no antennae), and nose morphology (S = upturned snout, s = downturned snout). Since the creatures were not "intelligent" Earth scientists were able to do some controlled breeding experiment.s.
1. If a dihybrid cross was performed between a homozygous dominant alien and a homozygous recessive alien testing only for height and head appendages what would be the genotype of the parent generation? What types of gametes would the parent generation make and their proportions? Indicate the genotypes of F1 with a description of the phenotype.
2. What possible gametes could the F1 generation make and in what proportions? what is the F2 phenotype ratio of the cross described in question 1? describe the different phenotypes.