Call it 2 seconds for the round trip
the reflector is half the round trip away, so the sound takes 1 second to get there, and one second to get back (assuming the tugboat is going slowly relative to the speed of sound)
so, how far does the sound go in 1 second?
A sound wave, traveling at 348m/s, is emitted
by the foghorn of a tugboat. An echo is heard
1.99 s later.
How far away is the reflecting object?
Answer in units of m
3 answers
A sound wave, traveling at 337m/s, is emitted
by the foghorn of a tugboat. An echo is heard
1.4 s later.
How far away is the reflecting object?
by the foghorn of a tugboat. An echo is heard
1.4 s later.
How far away is the reflecting object?
471.8 m