A sociologist is interested in the relation between x = numberof job changes and y = annual salary (in thousands of dollars) forpeople living in the Nashville area. A random sample of 10people employed in Nashville provided the followinginformation:
x (number of job changes) 4 7 5 6 1 5 9 10 10 3
y (salary in $1000) 33 37 34 32 32 38 43 37 40 33
a. draw a scatter diagram
b. find the equation of the least squares line, and plotthe line on the scatter diapgram of part a.
c. find the correlation r. find the coefficient ofdetermination r2. What percentage of variation iny is explained by the variation in x and the least squaresmodel?
Óx= 60
Óx2= 13013
Óxy = 2231
d. if someone had x = 2 job changes, what does the leastsquares line predict fo y, the annual salary?