A slightly different meaning for a word than the dictionary/regular meaning

Technical Meaning
Connotative Meaning

1 answer

A technical meaning refers to a specific or specialized definition of a word that is used within a particular field or industry. This meaning may deviate from the general dictionary definition of the word, as it is specific to the technical context in which it is used. For example, the word "buffer" has a technical meaning in computer science, where it refers to a temporary storage area for data.

On the other hand, a connotative meaning refers to the subjective or emotional associations that a word carries, beyond its literal definition. It is the additional meaning or implications that come to mind when a word is used, based on cultural, social, or personal context. For example, the word "home" might have connotations of comfort, safety, and belonging, suggesting a positive emotional association.

Both technical and connotative meanings can exist alongside the regular or dictionary definition of a word, adding nuance or depth to its overall meaning.