A single sphere of water is created by joining 1000 of water spheres of radius r and charge (+Q).If the potential of the small and big spheres are w and v respectively, find v/w.
My thoughts :
The masses of the spheres are proportional to the third power of there radius.
R=10r(R-radius of the big sphere)
V=1/(4π*epsilon) (Q/r)
So v is proportional to (Q/r)
So can we simply take the charge of the big sphere as 1000Q,as it is created by 1000 small spheres being joined?
3 answers
Yes. Consider Gauss' Law: the charge of each of those small spheres can be considered to be a charge Q at the center, even if was distributed throughout the volume.
So can we consider the bigger sphere has a 1000Q charge at its center?
yes. (of course, you have to do that only if the volumetric charge is distributed evenly), law Gauss Law.