A silver chalice is shown, with carvings of the apostles around the center of the chalice.

Chalice with Apostles Venerating the Cross Syria
Early 7th century

The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Choose the statement that best represents the use of this seventh century Syrian vessel in the appropriate cultural context:
(1 point)

This wine goblet was used during elaborate parties.
This wine goblet was used during elaborate parties.
Syrian residents polished such objects for use as a mirror.
Syrian residents polished such objects for use as a mirror.
This goblet was used to remind Syrians who the apostles were.
This goblet was used to remind Syrians who the apostles were.
This chalice sat on a church altar for use during religious rituals.
This chalice sat on a church altar for use during religious rituals.

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A print shows the religious scene of the Annunciation. The two people have little facial detail, are flat looking, and halos over their heads. A painting shows a boy carrying a small child on his back as he walks past a tall white fence.

A silver chalice is shown, with carvings of the apostles around the center of the chalice.
Chalice with Apostles Venerating the Cross Syria
Early 7th century

The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Choose the statement that best represents the use of this seventh century Syrian vessel in the appropriate cultural context:
(1 point)

This wine goblet was used during elaborate parties.
This wine goblet was used during elaborate parties.
Syrian residents polished such objects for use as a mirror.
Syrian residents polished such objects for use as a mirror.
This goblet was used to remind Syrians who the apostles were.
This goblet was used to remind Syrians who the apostles were.
This chalice sat on a church altar for use during religious rituals.
This chalice sat on a church altar for use during religious rituals.

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A print shows the religious scene of the Annunciation. The two people have little facial detail, are flat looking, and halos over their heads. A painting shows a boy carrying a small child on his back as he walks past a tall white fence.

1 answer

This chalice sat on a church altar for use during religious rituals.