A ship regularly travels between two ports that are 350 miles apart. When traveling directly from A to B, the ship sails on a bearing of . However, to avoid a storm, one day the ship leaves A on a bearing of and travels for 6 hours at 17mph. When the bad weather has passed, it turns and heads for B.How far is the ship from B when it makes the turn? What is the bearing for the second part of the trip?

2 answers

Ships travel on headings, not bearings.

From the ship's perspective, other objects have bearings.

Other than that, supply the missing numbers and maybe we can get somewhere.
Ships travel on "headings" not "bearings". Math teachers are not seamen :)

You need to know what the heading is for the first part of the trip to do the problem.

one day the ship leaves A on a HEADING of ##### WHAT #### for 102 miles (6*17)