draw a picture of the floor, which is the 4 by 8 sheet of plywood.
The way I read your problem he needs 3 pieces of 8 footers of the 2by4's, two along the sides and one down the middle, and another 2 pieces of 4 feet of the 2by4's for the width.
so he will need 4 pieces of the 8 ft lengths.
a sheet wood measures 4 feet by 8 feet. armand wants to build a dog house usingone whole sheet of playwood for the floor.
a.armand needs to put a "2 by 4" under the outer edge all the way around the floor, and another "2 by 4" that runs down the middle, give support to the playwood .if "2 by 4" are sold in 8 feet lengths , how many should he buy. i raelly need help please give me the right answer? i am preety
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