It looks to me like they just want you to calculate a given function f(x) at set of x values. You will end up with a set of f(x) values. Then they want you do it again for a different set of independent valiables with a different
For example, if f(x) = 3x -6 and x = 2, then f(x) = 0
If f(x) = x(1-2x) and x = 1, then f(x) = -1
In my opinion, someone is trying to make algebra more confusing than it really is, by talking about "replacement sets". Fads like this come and go.
A set of input values is sometimes referred to as the replacement set for the independent variables. Evaluate each function for the given replacement set.
4 answers
A set of input values is sometimes referred to as the replacement set for the independent variables. Evaluate each function for the given replacement set.
i agree and drwls is right.and person is right they teach us and show is harder and confussing than is.
All of that complicated talk means:
Use each of those numbers for x
Use each of those numbers for x