A saturated solution of Na2SO4, with excess of the solid, is present at equilibrium with its vapor in a closed vessel. (a) How many phases and components are present? (b) What is the number of degrees of freedom o the system? Identify the independent variables.

Suppose that the solution is not saturated. (c) How many phases and components are present? (d) What is the number of degrees of freedom of the system? Identify the independent variables.


*So I think that F=C-P+2 and C=N-R, but I'm not sure.
I know Na2SO4 dissociates to 2 Na+ and SO4^2-, and I think that the difference between the questions is that the first is 3 phases and the second is 2 phases. Other than that, I'm confused on how this needs to be done, and why.

6 answers

no. of componenents = 2 (Na2SO4 and water - as each phase can be described by these two components only)

no. of phases = 3 ( solid and liquid and vapor)

degrees of freedom = 2-3+2 = 1
a saturated solution of Na2SO4, with excess of the solid, is present at equilibrium with is vapour in a closed vessel. How many phases and components are present. What is the variance of the system?identify the independent variables
Answers to the questions
Shut up
I'm confused how does Na2SO4 having 2 components?
It doesn’t have two components. H2O is the second component