A room has 2 sections as shown in the picture below. Which expression uses the Distributive Property to find the total area of the room?
the picture is a rectangle in the first section there us the number in the left side 14 in the bottom side 8 and in the other section in the bottom side the number is 4.
A. 14 + (8 × 4)
B. 14 × (8 + 4)
C. 14 × 8 x 4
D. 14 × 8 × 14 × 4
my answer is c
12 answers
please help me
gee - impatient much?
C is the volume of a brick with sides 4,8,14
I don't think that fits with yoor rectangle explanation.
Does a number "in" a rectangle mean its area?
The whole description is rather vague.
B is the only choice which uses the distributive property.
C is the volume of a brick with sides 4,8,14
I don't think that fits with yoor rectangle explanation.
Does a number "in" a rectangle mean its area?
The whole description is rather vague.
B is the only choice which uses the distributive property.
it does have to do with the area
STOP CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wynell Fowler
im not cheating and if you are here in this website you are cheating to you know bro
wynell screw off <3
Wynell not everybody is cheating some people use this to check there answers too, don't jump to conclusions kid.
The correct answer is D
A playground has two sections as shown in the picture below. Which expression shows the distributive property to find the total area of the playground? The playground is a rectangle with 18, 10, and 5. A: 18x(10+5) B: 18+(10x5) C: 18x10x5 D: 18x10x18x5
Please Help!! Thanks!
Please Help!! Thanks!
I think it’s d I’m doing the test rn
i have a big feeling that he is seeing all of this🥱
Can I get the answers so I can check over my test