As the air is removed from the space around the ringing alarm clock that is placed under a glass jar, the following events are likely to occur:
1. Decreased Sound: As the air gets removed, sound waves have fewer particles to travel through, resulting in a gradual decrease in the sound produced by the ringing alarm clock. The sound will become increasingly faint until it eventually becomes inaudible.
2. Distorted Sound: Along with the decreasing volume, the quality of the sound may also change. Without air molecules to carry the vibrations efficiently, the sound waves can become distorted or muffled.
3. No Diffusion: With diminished or no air present, the sound waves produced by the alarm clock will not be able to disperse or diffuse in the environment. Instead, they will be contained within the limited space under the glass jar.
4. Heat Transfer: As the air is pumped out from the jar, there will be a reduction in heat transfer between the alarm clock and its surroundings. This can lead to minimal temperature fluctuation, potentially resulting in cooling of the alarm clock over time.
5. Vacuum Formation: A vacuum is a space devoid of matter, including air. As air is being removed, a partial vacuum will be created inside the glass jar. This vacuum will have lower air pressure compared to the surrounding air, causing the air outside the jar to exert greater pressure on the glass.
Overall, the alarm clock's sound will diminish, potentially become distorted, and be contained within the glass jar. Simultaneously, a vacuum will form inside the jar, leading to altered physical conditions around the alarm clock.
A ringing alarm clock is put under a glass jar The air is slowly removed from the space around it What will happen as the air is removed?
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