If printed area has height y and width x, then the page size is (x+2) by (y+3)
Since xy = 96, the page size
s = (x+2)(y+3) = (x+2)(96/x + 3)
ds/dx = 3 - 192/x^2
so, ds/dx = (3x^2-192)/x^2
which is zero when x=8
so the page is 10x11
So, how do our calculations differ?
A rectangular page is to have a print area of 96 square inches. The top and bottom margins are to be 1.5 inches each and the left and right margins are to be 1 inch each. What dimensions will minimize the total area of the page.
I got L=8sqr(2) But I'm not sure how to get (w) or how to continue with the rest of the problem.
2 answers
oops.The printed area is 8x12, so the page is 10x15