A recreation room needs to be recarpet the dimensions of the room are 72ft ×30ft,which carpet company would you use carpet master6ft×1ft roll for $1 flooring king 6ft×6 ft for $4 floors deluxe 8 ft × 3. ft for $2 or carpets and more 6 ft × 3 ft roll for $3

1 answer

Luckily, the 3' width of the rolls divides either dimension of the room, so you don't have to worry about buying extra rolls for the leftover width.

Carpet Master:
(720*30 ft^2) * 1roll/6ft^2 * $1/roll = (720*30*1/6*1) = $3600

Flooring King:
(720*30 ft^2) * 1roll/36ft^2 * $4/roll = $ ?

Floors Deluxe:
(720*30 ft^2) * 1roll/24ft^2 * $2/roll = $ ?

Carpets and More:
(720*30 ft^2) * 1roll/18ft^2 * $3/roll = $ ?

Just complete the other cost values to find the best buy.