So, take your right hand and point in the direction of the proton. So, point your thumb to the right. Now when you do that, look at your other fingers--specifically the way they curl. Your fingers should curl towards you. And since your thumb represents east, and you know the directions on a compass rose, the direction close to your body and the curled fingers would be South. Check this website--it should explain it better than I have!
Look at the Right Hand Rule Diagram about halfway down the page. It is quite helpful.
Hope this helps!
A proton traveling due east in a region that contains only a magnetic field experiences a vertically upward force away from the surface of the earth. What is the direction of the magnetic field?
I know I need to use the right hand rule to find out the answer is South; but I am terrible with it. So I don't really get it, I thought I had to face the palm of my hand in the direction of the force and my fingers would point in the magnetic field.
An explanation would be nice.
2 answers
A charge of -(5.400x10^0)µ C is traveling at a speed (5.4x10^6)m/s of in a region of space where there is a magnetic field. The angle between the velocity of the charge and the field is 45°. A force of magnitude 5.4*10-3 N acts on the charge. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field?