A proton traveling due east in a region that contains only a magnetic field experiences a vertically upward force away from the surface of the earth. What is the direction of the magnetic field?


I know I need to use the right hand rule to find out the answer is South; but I am terrible with it. So I don't really get it, I thought I had to face the palm of my hand in the direction of the force and my fingers would point in the magnetic field.

An explanation would be nice.

2 answers

So, take your right hand and point in the direction of the proton. So, point your thumb to the right. Now when you do that, look at your other fingers--specifically the way they curl. Your fingers should curl towards you. And since your thumb represents east, and you know the directions on a compass rose, the direction close to your body and the curled fingers would be South. Check this website--it should explain it better than I have!

Look at the Right Hand Rule Diagram about halfway down the page. It is quite helpful.


Hope this helps!
A charge of -(5.400x10^0)µ C is traveling at a speed (5.4x10^6)m/s of in a region of space where there is a magnetic field. The angle between the velocity of the charge and the field is 45°. A force of magnitude 5.4*10-3 N acts on the charge. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field?