A proton is projected perpendicularly into a magnetic field that has a magnitude of 0.32 T. The field is then adjusted so that an electron will follow a circular path of the same radius when it is projected perpendicularly into the field with the same velocity that the proton had. What is the magnitude of the field used for the electron?
1 answer
3. A positive helium ion He+ is released from rest at the surface of a +1000 V flat electrode. It travels in the +x-direction (in vacuum) across a 1 mm gap, passes through a small hole in a +0 V electrode that is parallel to the first one, and enters a region of magnetic field. In the region with the magnetic field, it follows a path that curves in the +y-direction. Assume the magnetic field is uniform outside the electrodes, and zero in between them. For a field strength of B = 1.0 T, what is the radius of curvature of the resulting path in meters? A helium nucleus has two protons and two neutrons