A prominent media scholar named Marshall McLuhan once stated, "People don't actually read newspapers. They step into them every morning like a hot bath." In other words, a printed newspaper offers more than information. It is an experience.
Countless readers cherish their daily ritual of reading the morning paper and rely on it for their news. Yet today, many newspapers are ceasing publication of their print version and moving to online only. This is a tragic mistake. While the internet is a wonderful resource, a printed newspaper offers several important benefits that an electronic news source. cannot. Print newspapers still have value.
It is true that print newspapers have struggled. Fewer people have been reading print papers in recent years. In 2020, the Pew Research Group reported that the number of weekday print newspapers sold dropped by 19 percent from the previous year. By 2021, a Pew Research Center survey showed that more than 8 in 10 American adults got their news online.
“Low sales of print newspapers and the increasing cnst of""
printing them led a third of large newspapers in the
States to reduce their staff to save money. However, there's still a demand for print newspapers. These issues do not outweigh the unique strengths print newspapers offer.
The articles in a print newspaper are carefully selected.
The limitation of space on the printed page means only the most important news is included. Skilled and experienced editors curate that data for readers, like a personal librarian.
The selection process for print newspapers also offers something for everyone. Editors work to include local and state news. They also include national updates and a wide range of topics, from sports to art.
Online newspapers, on the other hand, are a firehose of information. Instead of informing their readers, they drown them with endless pages of links and articles. These often load in a hard-to-read manner. It takes too much time to find the important news. A printed paper is one complete reading experience focused on the news, rather than an endless supply of hyperlinks to follow down a digital rabbit hole.
Print newspapers lack the distractions of the moving and flashing ads that are common online. Additionally, print newspapers are professionally designed to ensure that readers focus on the most important data first. Images, typeface variations, paragraphing, and other features help guide readers and streamline the reading process.Print newspapers don't rely on technology that is
changing, and they don't require a battery charge. The even during a power outage. As a result, people can read them just about anywhere and anytime, even years later. The World Association of Newspapers celebrates the first printed newspaper as being over 400 years old. The oldest preserved copy is from 1609! There are newspapers archived for future generations too. Today's readers deserve to have access to tangible evidence of the past, just as older generations did.
Although many assume that internet is widely available, it is important to remember that not everyone has online access.
For those without online access, print newspapers could be their only way to read the news. As of 2021, a federal report on broadband use found that nearly 14.5 million Americans do not have reliable broadband service. Nearly one in eight rural households do not have access to the internet at all. The cost of digital devices plus maintaining internet service can be hard to budget. As a result, a weekly or daily printed paper may be more affordable.While newspapers are largely online, many people prefer paper over electronic sources. Despite the trending challenge to go digital, newspaper staff believe that print will continue to survive in the face of the internet. Raju Narisetti, former senior leader at News Corp, thinks papers can adapt creatively to keep the print side of their publication. He said, "The last newspaper will be printed long after I'm gone." Newspaper supporters value the experience of reading a physical paper not only for the scientifically proven benefits and its informative content but also for nostalgia. Print newspapers have survived the arrival of the radio and the television. They are bound to survive the internet in the hands of consumers.
What is the main claim the author makes in this selection?
A Printed newspapers should be respected for their historic value.
® Online sources are more interesting to read than print newspapers.
© Printed newspapers continue to be appreciated by many readers.
• Online sources provide readers with more information about topics.
1 answer